Friday, June 27, 2008

His will be done!

This photo was taken before our younger daughter, Daneila, was born.

As you have known, I've been really thinking and praying about God's will for my life as to my job. I've considered leaving teaching and getting a job in the Police Department of the Government. I love my job in school but it seems like it has required so much time from me already. I don't feel comfortable spending so much time in teaching and other administration responsibility since I got promoted. I want to be able to spend more time raising my young family. In addition, the pioneering church that I established a few years ago among the natives in our area needs me. Really, I need to be free from other responsibilities at school. So anyway, I looked into the possibility of changing jobs. Right now, I am really praying, if it is God's will, that I would get a job in the Jail Management and work 20 hours per week there. Also, I am looking forward for a ministry opportunity in the jail. And as a long-term plan, I want to become one of the chaplains in the said sector. I've already turned in my application and just waiting for the government's call. But as much as this job is very attractive to me, I want the Lord's will to be done in my life.

1 comment:

Dines said...

i've been really thinking about your decision. but i believe that God is guiding you to the best place for you. we keep u in our prayers!